All Full Pint Bookmarks
- Mandu 🥟: "LinkedIn to Hell #ACDC using…" - Mastodon 🐘
- Protect Your Site With A DOOM Captcha | Hackaday
- For The Love of God, Make Your Own Website - Aftermath
- The Website Manifesto - If you don't want to learn to use technology, other people will use it for you, and they will use it to place you under their thumbs in a way that makes it as impossible to switch to something else as they can. Making a website is a great way to experiment with getting agency over your relationship with the internet, your phone, and computers.
- CSS One-Liners to Improve (Almost) Every Project
- GitHub - XaflocNoteFlow - A lightweight note-taking application that lets your thoughts flow naturally while keeping your tasks in check. NoteFlow transforms a single Markdown file into a modern web interface where notes and tasks coexist seamlessly.
- Make it Yourself
- VMware Fusion and Workstation are Now Free for All Users
- The Wordpress War - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday - So happy I never went down the Wordpress rabbit hole. I wrote and own my blogging code and have since the 1990s.
- Asahi Linux - Linux on Apple Silicon
- Pi Clock
- Low Cost Mini PCs - A good site to easily find low cost mini PCs. In reality these are often a better choice than a Raspberry PI. Once you pay for everything you need with a RaspberryPI the cost can be near or greater than many of these mini PCs that have far more power.
- Zen Browser - Open Source browser based the Firefox engine.
- Feedbomb - Pretty cool. I now prefer app based with cloud sync. Basically I like to own my data as you never know when a service like this could just disappear.
- The bizarre secrets I found investigating corrupt Winamp skins
- DIABLO - Run the first Diablo game in your browser.
- GitHub - radulucutcleed: Simple feed reader for the command line.
- 'Logical, beautiful, perfect' WordStar rises again: How you can type faster with this old tech | ZDNET
- Creedence Clearwater Revival Is America's Biggest Band Right Now
- Flameshot | Open Source Screenshot Software - Flameshot is a free and open-source, cross-platform tool to take screenshots with many built-in features to save you time.
- Unscalable, Hand-Crafted Lists of Links - Christopher Butler ☼
- Nuzair46BlockTheSpot-Mac: Spotify Ad blocker for MacOS
- - Baseball radio ASMR as you listen to a full-length fake baseball game.
- Map of the web - is in there.
- NASA’s Voyager 1 Resumes Sending Engineering Updates to Earth – Voyager - It is alive!
- imgcatr: cat for images, by RUST 🦀️
- Marta - File Manager for MacOS. I prefer the two pane file managers, always have.
- Reamp - High-fidelity music player for MacOS, fully written in Swift.
- qvacuavimr: VimR — Neovim GUI for macOS in Swift
- ▶︎ Lunar Lander (1979) Thruster Noise | Cheesy Nirvosa - One hour of the thruster noise from Lunar Lander arcade game.
- The Rise and Fall of Silicon Graphics - This is an interesting read. I have always wanted one of the SGI machines, but the prices on Ebay now are ridiculous. I always hoped HP would open source the IRIX OS, but HP never gives back.
- Self-Hosted Applications and Alternatives - A collection of self hosted applications.
- JujuEdit - Text Editor - I was feeling nostalgic and decided to see if the Windows text editor was still available. Not only did I find it, but I was still able to install it. I enjoyed reading the blog at Jujusoft at one time, and even did some coding in Mark's text editor. Do not expect much, it has not been updated since 2006.
- 20 years of Gmail - The Verge - I was one of the very early users of Gmail, I had invites when they were valuable. At the time I offered them up to readers of my blog. I had very positive feelings about Google at the time. I stopped using Google and Gmail in 2013, first moving to Lavabit and then to Protonmail and I have been with Protonmail ever since. Keen readers may realize there was a windows in there between Lavabit shutting down and Protonmail being available. While I searched for a solution, I used my even older Yahoo mail account. I do keep my Gmail account active so that no one tries to utilize it to impersonate me. Virtually zero emails go through my Gmail account.
- DOOM Captcha - Captchas don't have to be boring - It is freaken Doom related. I have to share it.
- NotepadNext: A cross-platform, reimplementation of Notepad++ - I use Notepad++ at work for my daily drop for notes and todo type items. I love the auto save without prompting because my Windows work image can be force rebooted any time an update is applied.
- Linux Crisis Tools
- 2024 Barkley Marathons Results - Amazing, the 1st woman to ever finish the Barkley. Most finishers ever, I think the weather must have been pretty good this year.
- Four Nittany Lions Win NCAA Titles for 2024 National Champion Penn State Wrestling Team - Domination, Nittany Lions win by 100 points.
- Hyper™ - A terminal I was hesitant about, but I am actually liking it.
- Dead Simple Sites — Minimal Website Inspiration - Pretty cool, but they are missing a great minimal website that I know of.
- Dennis Ritchie: The Unsung Hero Who Shaped the Digital World - Ritchie has always been one of my computing heroes.
- Plastic recycling is a scam - by Arielle Samuelson - HEATED
- GifCities - Search classic GIFs from Geocities.
- nekoweb - Free static website hosting.
- Death, Lonely Death — Crooked Timber - Probably because I remember the launches, the planet flybys, I am a fan of the deep space probes that have been lost and will be lost. Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11 and probably now Voyager 1. I could not have written a better goodbye to this amazing piece of engineering.
- - Website Carbon Calculator - A+ rating, cleaner than 99% of web pages globally.
- AboutRSSALL-about-RSS: A list of RSS related stuff: tools, services, communities and tutorials, etc.
- adulaurss-tools: A set of crappy RSS scripts to handle RSS in an Unix way.
- Flipped Bit Could Mark The End Of Voyager 1‘s Interstellar Mission | Hackaday
- Calendar - Single page calendar on on piece of paper. Includes a section for all days. Very useful.
- Microsoft To Offer Sudo Command On Windows 11
- Carl Weathers, Apollo Creed from Rocky movies, dies aged 76 - An actor I grew up watching. Shocking news, RIP Mr Weathers.
- Orion Browser by Kagi - Interesting privacy focused browser from Kagi.
- #rizonirpg Idle RPG: Game Info - Idle and level
- FAQ - Today I learned about a website registered in 1996, that gets a lot of traffic from people mistyping I thought this was a cool story to share. Especially since the domain owner recommends Protonmail.
- Is Cloud the new mainframe? - During my career I have always felt like someone was trying to build a new cheaper mainframe. I remember Sun doing something with thin clients that reminded me of the evolution of the mainframe. I said the same thing about cloud computing when it started. We held off diving in, mostly because we were healthcare and were concerned about medical data being in the cloud. Now our datacenter is cheaper than the cloud.
- SDF Public Access UNIX System - Free Shell Account and Shell Access
- Bill's World - It is just fun, try it.
- Home | Haiku Project - There are other interesting open source operating systems out there besides the BSD and Linux variants. I am experimenting with Haiku as a VM but I intend to maybe install Haiku on my retired gaming system.
- Practice typing by retyping ENTIRE novels —
- Private Search Engine - Brave Search - Unsure how I never shared Brave. Very popular private search.
- Qwant - The search engine that doesn't know anything about you, and that changes everything! - I shared this quite a while ago, but realized I did not share with the name. Qwant, I decided to try this search engine again after seeing it listed on Mojeek's Mastodon thread discussing private search engines.
- One Album A Day - 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die - I like the idea, you can explore music you would otherwise never listen to that is interesting, enjoyable and very good for your brain and health. This is a new morning ritual for me.
- ambiphone. ambient music + sounds for work, study and relaxation.
- After ten years, it's time to stop making videos. - YouTube - Tom Scott to stop making regular videos. The man put out some of the highest quality and informative content I have watched.
- Personics: The cassette-based iTunes Store of the 1980s - YouTube
- Neil Gaiman's Radical Vision for the Future of the Internet - Cal Newport
- Please, Expose your RSS • Robb Knight
- DOOM Turned Thirty | Brain Baking
- Terminal Trove - The $HOME of all things in the terminal.
- snowjob · PyPI - Python script that allows your terminal to snow.
- Eternal Sunset - View a live sunset happening right now.
- Ldial - Listen to the best independent and community radio stations in the US.
- FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE Now Available
- sites with a now page - So many interesting people, blogs and websites. The idea is that you have not just an about page, but a now page which you keep updated on what is happening now in your life.
- Bookmarks @ - A list of bookmarkslinks that I have been exploring and I thought others might enjoy some old fashioned web surfing as well. I am thinking about putting a links page of frequently visited or valuable links that are separate from my Full Pint posts.
- Countdown to Unix Time 1,700,000,000 - Unix Time reaches 1.7 billion and now past.
- The Best Timed Shot in TV History (Probably) - I love me some Voyager news. Very well timed shot of Voyager 2 lifting off.
- Rust without
- NaNoWriMo - I participated in this yearly event in the early aughts. I completed it twice I believe, and I have a print book of one of my novels on a book shelf somewhere in the house.
- F* Paywalls
- Internet Artifacts
- Retrotechtacular: The $175,000 Laser Printer | Hackaday - I operated a whole slew of these printers in the early 1990s.
- HATs | Raspberry Pi PCIe Database
- Dracula — Dark theme for 300+ apps
- Beej's Guides
- Kagi Small Web - Fun webring like random search at Kagi.
- 100+ lesser known but useful websites
- Modern Linux Tools vs Unix Classics: Which would I choose? – The Personal Website of Ryan Flowers - My solutions to getting work done is still primarily done with the Unix classics.
- Ecosia - the search engine that plants trees - Uses Bing results, which is not optimum. But if you want Bing results it gives you some privacy and helps the environment.
- Computer Science from the Bottom Up
- Beer is great for your gut health and probably better than probiotics •
- Google’s Surveillance: The Shocking Truth – Simplified Privacy
- Sun Ray Thin Clients Pt2: Actually Using Them - YouTube
- ProtonMail Complied with 5,957 Data Requests in 2022 – Still Secure and Private? | Hacker News - If you read the article and the comments, you can see that once again ProtonMail is the best thing out there doing the best they can to protect privacy. And as these cases prove, your emails are safe on their servers. Additionally, all the uninformed critics who do not read their terms of service and the article are informed by ProtonMail in the comments. The poor information that gets spouted in Hacker News comments are just as bad as any web forum on the internet.
- Hacker News Recap - AI generated daily podcast.
- How NASA Nearly Lost the Voyager 2 Spacecraft Forever | WIRED - I grew up with these space craft. I am only 6 years older than they are and I vividly remember seeing the images of the planets they sent back to Earth when I was in grade school.
- Internet Speed Test - Measure Network Performance | Cloudflare - This might be the coolest internet speed test I have seen.
- The Fear Of AI Just Killed A Very Useful Tool | Techdirt - Shame on the authors who screamed about something they apparently could not understand.
- Rest in peace Bram Moolenaar, author of Vim and hero of many developers | Ars Technica - My editor of choice.
- Happy 30th, FreeBSD! Why The FreeBSD Open Source Project Has Endured -
- Voyager 2: Communication Reestablished With One Big Shout | Hackaday
- Netscape Meteors
- Voyager Command Glitch Causes Unplanned Pause In Communications | Hackaday
- Techdirt Has Been Deleted From Bing And DuckDuckGo | Techdirt - This is all fine that a large website can generate news when this happens. But this happens to random websites all the time, my blog disappeared for 10 months and I did not have HackerNews clout to get help. Bing support is awful. Do not use DuckDuckGo, they are entirely dependent on Bing.
- deathnull - Digital graveyard for your files that you want gone but not forgotten.
- GitHub - Swordfish90cool-retro-term: A good looking terminal emulator which mimics the old cathode display...
- Retro TV: Live 247 Vintage Cable TV Network on Raspberry Pi - YouTube - The most amazing recreation of Vintage TV I have ever seen. I can only imagine the time and effort used to create this. The programming of the channels is perfect!
- Anchor Brewing in San Francisco to cease operations after 127 years | CNN Business - Very sad, their Christmas beer has been something I have looked forward to when I could get it.
- Your private and anonymous search engine Swisscows - Another privacy focused search engine. I will be giving this a go to see how it works for me.
- LEGO Building Instructions : Free Texts - Instructions for every Lego set ever.
- Advanced macOS Commands
- How Google Reader died — and why the web misses it more than ever - The Verge - This is when I quit Google. Seriously, I blogged about it before. I need to update that post. I stopped using everything Google in 2013.
- Collection - Van Gogh Museum
- 2,200 Forgotten Vintage Computers Are Being Liberated From a Barn in Massachusetts
- Plain Text Journaling with VIM
- Can SGI’s Enthusiast Community Bring IRIX Back to Life?
- Plain Text Accounting portal -
- Diving into a secret macOS tool - networkQuality - networkQuality -v
- Revive Machines Atari 800XL
- NewsNotFound: An AI-Powered, Unbiased News Website | NewsNotFound
- Bing Jail – Dariusz Więckiewicz 🇬🇧 - This same thing happened to my blog in late 2021 and I did all the similar troubleshooting. Found nothing and I eventually gave up. Then suddenly in the Fall of 2022 my site was indexed again. There is a serious bug in Bing that causes this and I fully expect my website to disappear from Bing and DuckDuckGo again. This is why I stopped using DuckDuckGo.
- Pluto Time | Pluto – NASA Solar System Exploration
- "MuffinTerm": A Great New Terminal App for BBSing on iPhone, iPad, and Mac - Byte Cellar
- FrogFind! - A search engine for vintage computers. Good if you like minimalism as well.
- jwz:'s 25th anniversary
- Apple launches new Mac mini with M2 and M2 Pro chip, lower $599 starting price - 9to5Mac
- IP Chicken - What is my IP address? Free public IP lookup.
- Epochalypse
- Field Notes | 5E Gaming Journals D&D - Honestly I feel like the prices for these journals for DND are very reasonable.
- The mass extinction of UNIX workstations – OSnews - I have always wanted a SGI or Sun workstation at home. I worked a lot of years on HP-UX and AIX and I can tell you that it seemed like it was always difficult to find patches and documentation on HP-UX, at least it was in the 2000s. Like the author, I do not want to pay thousands of dollars for a paperweight.
- awesome-macos-command-line - Use your macOS terminal shell to do awesome things.
- Release v2022.12.02 · vimwikivimwiki
- - A directory that is slowly but surely categorizing blogs. Love seeing, blogs and RSS getting lots of mentions.
- A.N. Lucas's 88x31 button Collection - Nice collection of retro web buttons.
- The Fediverse Could Be Awesome (if we don’t screw it up) | Electronic Frontier Foundation
- GitHub - s-mackeFSHistory: Play and Enjoy the History of Microsoft Flight Simulator
- irongeekPomodoro: A command line Python Pomodoro timer with seasonal emoji counters. - Pomodoro - - A pomodoro timer I coded in Python. I have been using the Pomodoro Technique and grew frustrated that the App store applications that were free had nagging messages to buy in app purchases and most of the applications wanted a monthly fee. Ridiculous, so I coded my own for the command line.
- martpiemuseeks: 🎵 A simple, clean and cross-platform music player
- 10 years of FTL: The making of an enduring spaceship simulator | Ars Technica - Absolute great game. If you have never played it, what are you waiting for?
- Mastodon
- Hacker Stations - WFH setups from around the world.
- WelCOM to UNIX 50!
- GitHub - WamphyreBSD-XFCE: Turn your FreeBSD system in a complete and reliable workstation and creative studio with no hassle in minutes! Feel the daemon inside!
- GROGNARDIA: Retrospective: Adventure
- Doc Searls Weblog · The most important standard in development today
- Iomega Zip Drive Web Server - Server and web page running from a Iomega Zip Drive
- Tech Flashback: iomega SCSI ZIP 100 Drive Internals | Gough's Tech Zone - Since I have been playing around with my parallel port Zip Drive, I found this blog post from 2013 an interesting read.
- The Debian Administrator's Handbook
- The Floppotron 3.0 » Silent's Homepage - Here it is! The bigger and better Floppotron 3.0. 512 floppy disk drives, 4 scanners and 16 hard disk drives.
- Miniflux - Minimalist and Opinionated Feed Reader
- RSS Club: When Hot Takes are Too Hot - ratfactor - I agree with the initial frustration. Personally I find wikipedia a decent source for general school work, certainly better than a Google search. I would never use a Google search.
- How To Download All of Wikipedia onto a USB Flash Drive in 2022
- Cover Your Tracks
- IBM AIX for IA64 (Itanium) aka Project Monterey runs again! | Fun with virtualization
- Corrupted photos - Google Photos Community - People realizing the free service they put all their hope in, which was really not free is also not dependable. They want your data, they do not care whether your photos are corrupted or not.
- Quintessential_Dungeon.jpg (JPEG Image, 1400 × 1082 pixels)
- Nightdrive - Not the same thing, but reminds me a little of Drivey by Mark Pursey.
- Learn VIM while playing a game - VIM Adventures
- dato.rss - RSS search engine
- Happy 30th anniversary to 'Sneakers,' a cult classic that was far ahead of its time - I have always thought Sneakers and War Games were two of the best old school hacker movies.
- COBOL's youth culture | TechBeacon
- Photopea | Online Photo Editor
- Cloud Storage for Offsite Backup - This would support my back strategy. Price is not bad and storage on ZFS is a plus.
- GitHub - leon-aileon: 🧠 Leon is your open-source personal assistant.
- My surreal experience with COBOL - Mutt0-ds Notes - I briefly programmed in COBOL in the mid 1990s. At the time I worked for an insurance company which had a system completely coded in COBOL.
- Please, Lego, let this engineer bring your computer brick to life - The Verge
- Janet Jackson had the power to crash laptop computers - The Old New Thing
- jwz: XScreenSaver was released 30 years ago
- ravynOS – Finesse of macOS. Freedom of FreeBSD.
- Newsboat, an RSS reader - Love text? I do and Newsboat is an RSSAtom feed reader for the text console.
- 5x5 Hexagonal Pipes Puzzle #352 - Time waster game
- Cameron's World - A love letter to Geocities
- ‘Voyager on steroids.’ Mission would probe mysterious region beyond our Solar System | Science | AAAS
- Sears 1982 Christmas Holiday Season - YouTube
- The Inspiration Behind Mattel’s Handheld D&D Game – Pad and Pixel - I received this game for Christmas in the early 80s and I loved it. Played it and killed the dragon many times.
- Microsoft's Windows OS loses 17% of its market share in the last 10 years - StockApps - I see this trend continuing, all four of my kids use Macs and have been exposed to Linux desktops. My younger daughters have only used Linux and MacOS and iPads in school. Older users like my retired neighbor and business is who keeps going back to Windows. My son and I each have Windows gaming computers, but that is all we use them for.
- Search My Site - Open source search engine and search as a service for personal and independent websites - I am directing my blog search link to now. I do not recall ever adding my website, but it is there and appears to be fully crawled. I like the vibe and the reference to indieweb and I love that it crawls regularly and does not get results from the big corporations. Using a simple link like I did to others in the past but might play with the API down the road.
- Down the memory lane with OS2 - Julio Merino ( - For a year or two in the early to mid 90s my work PC ran OS2. I do not remember the exact version, but I so fell in love with the Model M keyboard connected to it, that I asked to keep it when getting a new PC and I still own that Model M Keyboard to this day.
- The Home Computer Generation | - I fully agree with everything written in this post. I also think for a while, particularly Windows computers lacked the ability to write programs without purchasing additional software. There was a period and maybe still so, that a computer is just Office and a web browser to most users.
- Scoop: VW turns to electric Scout brand to win back Americans - Interesting, wonder if my 2014 Toyota Tacoma can last until this vehicle comes to market?
- irongeek - - Actually going to start putting some of my code online, but at codeberg instead of github.
- 1MB Club: A collection of websites weighing in less than 1MB - Want to find some really great we content. Spend some time just surfing to the sites listed in the 1MB Club.
- -- a blog platform for hackers - Setup your own blog with some ssh.
- Your Adventure Ends Here - Blogging playthroughs of choose your own adventure books. This is the kind of gold that is fun to find on the web.
- Releases ·
- Opinion | What's in the James Webb space telescope photos? We can explain. - The Washington Post
- It's 1997 and you want to build a website - The History of the Web
- jaromazMacintoshPi: A small project that allows running full-screen versions of Apple's Mac OS 7, Mac OS 8 and Mac OS 9 with sound, active online connection and modem emulation under Raspberry Pi.
- wibywebwiby: Wiby Search Engine - Install your own Wiby Search Engine with your own crawler.
- MWMBL - Search - Donation model search engine. Tried their Firefox plugin to help their crawler, an absolute network and CPU pig, uninstalled. Also will not use a search engine that does not list in it's results. I will check in with them in the future.
- Git from the Bottom Up
- Wesley’s Notebook - I have been enjoying reading some of the blog posts here.
- Vim 9.0 - New version of Vim released.
- [TUHS] Re: forgotten versions - TUHS - - AT&T lawyer stopped Plan 9 release CD with songs by Lou Reed, Debbie Harry
- Record-Breaking Voyager Spacecraft Begin to Power Down - Scientific American
- Firefox Rolls Out Total Cookie Protection By Default To All Users - Stop using Chrome.
- flarumflarum: Simple forum software for building great communities. - Love the user interface to this forum. I used to run several forums with various software.
- About this book - Learn Haskell by building a blog generator
- EndBASIC - BASIC reimagined
- Apple announces new flagship M2 processor - When the M2 is added to the Mac Mini I will upgrade. I am still blown away with what I can do with this Mac Mini M1 with no slowdown.
- Gloucester cheese rolling returns after pandemic - BBC News - After a two-year pandemic pause, competitors from around the world once again hurled themselves down a hill for the glory of becoming the cheese champion by capturing the cheese wheel, which can roll at speeds up to 70 mph.
- Code bloat has become astronomical – Cliffski's Blog - I started complaining about this 20 years ago. It is part of the reason I write my own blogging software. I recently toyed with Wordpress, which the author uses, I get it, there can be nothing to maintain. But Wordpress is a bloated ugly piece of software.
- Drivey.js - GL on Wheels - Based on Mark Pursey's drivey. I have a photo of my son playing it when he was 3 or 4 years old on a square monitor. My son is 20 now. No idea if Mark has a blog anymore, I used to enjoy reading his posts and messing with his software. JujuEdit anyone?
- Finger: The First Social Software - Inspired one of the titles I used on a early blog. I called it my dot plan.
- The Murena One shows how hard it is to de-Google your smartphone - The Verge - This is why I just use an iPhone. Apple is not perfect and neither is the iPhone, but it is the best thing available that respects some privacy.
- Open Source Alternatives to Proprietary Software
- - match command-line arguments to their help text
- Calendar.txt - I like the idea, I already do something similar with my vimwiki and text file method. This might work for others looking to use text files.
- The Yesterweb - Reclaiming the Internet - Browsing the Link Directory is like a fun trip back in time, but it is just indieweb goodness.
- CBS Evening News on the Pioneer 10 ( 6-10-1983) : space - You’re an interesting species, an interesting mix. You’re capable of such beautiful dreams and such horrible nightmares. You feel so lost, so cut off, and so alone.
- firefly-iiifirefly-iii: Firefly III: a personal finances manager
- 10 Networking Technologies That You Probably Aren’t Using - I remember wrestling with token ring on AIX. If memory serves I had to make the token ring emulate Ethernet so it could talk on the dated network we had.
- MemLink - Easily create a link of info
- Mojeek - True search engine, looks promising as well.
- DuckDuckGo Browser Allows Microsoft to Track Users Thanks to Confidential Agreement | RestorePrivacy - Sharing this link again from my blog post. I have removed the DuckDuckGo browser from my iPhone.
- Kagi Search - Private search and an Orion browser too. I pay for private email, I would pay for privacy with search as well.
- 090121 – dailywebthing daily pointers - Thank you for the webmention!
- Lotus 1-2-3 For Linux
- 512KB Club | A showcase of lightweight websites. - Irongeek qualifies, I think it always will, as I am unsure whether the scanner is grabbing every post. I guess if it is, someday we might not. But each of our pages are well below 512kb.
- Mac Open Web - Collection of Mac software
- GitHub - penkMainboardTerminal - A Retro-style Computer with a Modern Core
- Framework Laptop
- NetNewsWire: Free and Open Source RSS Reader for Mac and iOS - Amazing feed reader. Exciting to see such good software for consuming feeds.
- Daring Fireball: Nicholas Weaver: 'Cryptocurrency Should "Die in a Fire"'
- What is a feed? (a.k.a. RSS) | About Feeds - If you care about the open andor indie web, you should link to this website.
- Increasing the surface area of blogging - Love feeds and always will.
- Retrotechtacular: The IBM System360 Remembered | Hackaday - I began my career on a mainframe.
- Code the Classics - Volume 1 – Raspberry Pi Press
- John Allbritten cbonsai · GitLab - cbonsai is a bonsai tree generator, written in C using ncurses.
- Repo Lookout - A bot that looks for exposed source code on the internet.
- Please, stop disabling zoom - Agreed, I hate when apps that have photos do not allow zoom as well.
- Neocities: Create your own free website!
- UTM | Virtual machines for Mac
- I've Used All The Notebooks - Tyler Cipriani - I have always been a big fan of notebooks, I have two on my desk right now and one is always open.
- The Technium: 103 Bits of Advice I Wish I Had Known - Always worth sharing advice.
- - I am a unix geek and always wanted and SGI workstation.
- Marginalia Search - A search engine that rewards websites that are not bloated. A cool Indie Web project.
- BLOG.TXT - I have written many times about my love of text. I do not hate html though, but I do hate bloat. I used to publish a dot plan on one of my old websites, which was of course all text.
- .plan
- Open Scrobbler
- Break Message
- stats - Amazing compilation of LastFM scrobble stats.
- Single-file PHP file manager, browser and photo gallery | Files
- NASM Assembly Language Tutorials -
- 12ft Ladder
- How I built a WFH Shed
- A Project of One's Own
- Perl Unix One-liner Cage Match, Part 2
- Perl Unix One-liner Cage Match, Part 1
- Cryptocurrency is an abject disaster
- Unix Magic Poster - Gary Overcare (1).png (PNG Image, 3675 × 5475 pixels) - High quality image
- PSPad - free unicode developer editor, handles near any syntax like HTML, PHP, XHTML, R, JavaScript, ASP, Perl, C and many other languages with HEX editor, multilanguage interface - Code and text editor for Windows
- Discover The Best Books To Read 📚 - Shepherd - Interesting take on the online bookstore.
- » Transylvania The Digital Antiquarian - Transylvania - I thought of this game often over the years and could never remember it's name. I played it on my brother's Apple as a kid in the early 1980s.
- GitHub - aristocratosbpytop: LinuxOSXFreeBSD resource monitor
- Python books free to read online or download
- Diablo II - Holy Grail - I have been playing Diablo 2 on and off since it was originally released, I took part in the original beta. I am sure I have found every item in the game, and I am positive I found even Tyrael's might in my last go around in 2012. Regardless, I am trying to record it this time. I also only play Battle Net and hardcore only. Currently doing Pit runs with ZealerSmiter Paladin, as well as Chaos and World Stone runs.
- Titanium Software | Operating system utilities for Mac - OnyX
- The Kilobyte’s Gambit ♟️💾 1k chess game - a 1k JS chess game.
- Diablo® II: Resurrected - It's back. This game has had so much added since most of the world stopped playing, like uber bosses. I went back and beat them all in hardcore with a Paladin. The Nite clan will soon return.
- – Tune Into Forests From Around The World - Listen to a random forest.
- Iconduck - 104,808 free open source icons
- - Learn and Master Vim faster with interactive exercises
- Red Hat introduces free RHEL for small production workloads and development teams | ZDNet
- Computer System Engineering | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT OpenCourseWare
- Pinboard is Eleven (Pinboard Blog) - I really like Pinboard, it is the basis for my monthly dump of links I find interesting, which I call the Full Pint
- PSX Party - Play PS1 with your friends in a browser via the webarchive.
- Built to Last - When overwhelmed unemployment insurance systems malfunctioned during the pandemic, governments blamed the sixty-year-old programming language COBOL. But what really failed?
- TermRSS: A CLI RSS ReaderNotifier in Python with notification support using FeedParser. - https:old.reddit.comrPythoncommentsklggu1termrssaclirssreader
- Adobe Flash Player is finally laid to rest - BBC News
- QBASIC Programming for Kids
- Internet Mainframes Project
- GitHub - BlueMcliclick: macOS CLI tool for emulating mouse and keyboard events
- Messengers of hope | Nature Biotechnology - two mRNA COVID-19 vaccines represent a turning point in the pandemic
- Web Desktops
- The Lost World of Soviet PCs - A rare peek at personal computing behind the Iron Curtain.
- Cassette sales double in a year with Lady Gaga best-selling album on tape
- Doom - Kill active processes while playing Doom.
- Urban Dead - A Massively Multi-Player Web-Based Zombie Apocalypse. Running for 15 years.
- How an obscure British PC maker invented ARM and changed the world - 1987's Acorn Archimedes was the first production RISC-based personal computer.
- Why is Apple’s M1 Chip So Fast?. Real world experience with the new M1… | by Erik Engheim | Nov, 2020 | Medium
- | environments
- Science Knowledge Quiz | Pew Research Center - I answered 11 of 11 questions correctly on the @pewresearch Science Knowledge Quiz - Seemed like common knowledge to me, worth taking to see the demographic breakdowns.
- NsCDENsCDE: Modern and functional CDE desktop based on FVWM
- birch: An IRC client written in bash
- DuckDuckGo Tracker Radar Exposes Hidden Tracking - DuckDuckGo shares a big list of jerks
- microsoftPowerToys: Windows system utilities to maximize productivity - I use Windows at my employer, how I recall using PowerToys with Windows 95.
- Slower News | Trends, micro-trends & edge cases - A slowly updated news-aggregator curated by some guy and I like it. I check in once in a while and choose something to read.
- Salt Tips - I am a huge fan of Salt-Stack. I was going to just follow the blog, but I get the impression the mailing list is where a lot of the meat is at. So I am giving that a shot.
- FreeNAS is now TrueNAS core - I have mentioned FreeNAS here many times.
- Mysterious Light Sources – Altair Space
- Typora — a markdown editor, markdown reader. - This is the markdown editor I have been using since switching to a static site. Mac and Linux versions. Windows too if that is how you roll.
- Pi-hole®: A black hole for Internet advertisements – A black hole for Internet advertisements - Installed on a small virtual machine on my FreeNAS. Absolutely awesome.
- MSPaint in Javascript - Seems like a perfect rendering to me.
- The Bash Hackers Wiki [Bash Hackers Wiki] - I love bash, still my preferred shell.
- BBC Micro Bot - Run BBC Code through a twitter bot
- ongoing by Tim Bray · On Soaking the Rich - I have enjoyed Tim Bray for many years and posts like this keep me around. Even though he made it, he gets it.
- A renderer for Diablo using ncurses
- Bookshop - Support local book stores. Check Bookshop first before buying on Amazon.
- Winamp for Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Android - I remember when Winamp was must have software and we anxiously awaited Nullsoft releases. It really whipped the llama's ass.
- Nasa 're-masters' classic 'Pale Blue Dot' image of Earth - BBC News - One of my favorite moments in space exploration history.
- Online bird guide, bird ID help, life history, bird sounds from Cornell All About Birds - Has a fantastic Instant ID tool that takes into account your location and time of year. Provides a list of possible birds with pictures and descriptions.
- Vimwiki Cheat Sheet
- Typing practice - I am decent at typing, I would say better than most. I come from the generation that had a required typing class in high school. This is a fun tool to brush up on your typing skills.
- Home Clear Linux* Project | Clear Linux* Project - Optimized for performance and security.
- Database of Free Online Computer Science and Programming Books, Textbooks, and Lecture Notes
- The Unix Heritage Society - I am a long time Unix geek. A lot of cool Unix info.
- BlueMaxima's Flashpoint
- FuryBSD – Desktop powered by FreeBSD - Looking for an affordable laptop to load FreeBSD.
- FreeNAS 11.3-RELEASE - iXsystems, Inc. - Enterprise Storage & Servers - Been running FreeNAS on a HP ProLiant MicroServer N40L since 2012. I really should consider upgrading this hardware at some point.
- Ecovacs Deebot N79 Main Brush Error Fix - Four Beeps - YouTube - After over two years of use, my N79 Deebot was having a constant main brush malfunction. I followed this instructions to take the brush motor out and clean it. Also applied a bit of WD40 to motor. Works like a champ again.
- Coyotes Poised to Infiltrate South America | At the Smithsonian | Smithsonian Magazine
- 1,000 Free Audio Books: Download Great Books for Free | Open Culture
- Professors Create Free Research-Backed Games to Train Your Brain - NYU Steinhardt Professor Jan L. Plass and his colleagues have created three digital games to help children and adults improve their cognitive skills.
- Pwning your (web)server and network the easy way - or why exposing ~.ssh is a bad idea - Devops is why this type of dumb shit happens.
- RIP Neil Peart - Dead at 67 - Perhaps the greatest drummer ever.
- Cutting Google out of your life - Great options for anything Google
- Caffeinated - PowerShell script to keep your Windows computer from locking or loading screen saver. Good for bypassing short corporate timeout settings. Presses your scroll lock key twice every 4 minutes and moves the mouse by a pixel. Works where Caffeine programs fail.
- Source for the latest in Prog Rock
- A thread about Internet Archive's "Silent Killer" - Donate to the Internet Archive
- Browsh - Browsh is a fully-modern text-based browser. It renders anything that a modern browser can; HTML5, CSS3, JS, video and even WebGL.
- Project from Neal Agarwal, a constant source of joyful old-school internet - Just check it out.
- Personal sites are awesome - Personal site web directory
- Cliqz - Secure browser with built-in quick search - A true search engine competitor.
- Home Assistant - Open source home automation I am considering implementing.
- What is Internet Time? - A converter to identify the standard time based on internet time on a specific date and time
- Situation Clock with Internet Time - Swatches Beats so you can collaborate without time zones.
- Windows Terminal Preview v0.7 Release | Windows Command Line - I will see how this compares to MobaXterm. I see some shortcomings right off for my work flow but will give it a shot. Why does Microsoft not just switch to Linux instead of pretending it's OS is Linux?
- NESert Golf - Like Desert Golf but for your NES with a bit more depth.
- Snake plus Tetris - This is frustratingly hard, but must be experienced.
- The History of Linux | Linux Distros
- Color Scheme for Gnome Terminal
- UNIX: A History and a Memoir - New book by Brian W. Kernighan.
- Build it Yourself - A bunch of links to tutorials to help understand how things work.
- How the U.S. betrayed the Marshall Islands, kindling the next nuclear disaster - Los Angeles Times
- Will The Real UNIX Please Stand Up? | Hackaday - I have been using UNIX and UNIX like operating systems since 1990
- Windows Update Marathon - Windows 1 to XP. Hoping this is a link that never disappears. I am a unix linux guy but we all spent a lot of time on computers running windows.
- Syncthing - Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers and replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. My SpiderOak Dropbox replacement.
- Dark mode in a website with CSS | Tom Brow - @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)
- Tiny Tiny RSS - Since I previously mentioned RSS this is my daily use RSS reader.
- DuckDuckGo — Privacy, simplified. - The search engine that doesn't track you. I have been using DuckDuckGo for years and it just keeps getting better.
- Vim Colors - Cool site for finding additional vim color schemes.
- One Page Dungeon by watabou - Very cool dungeon generator.
- Vim Awesome
- Secure Your Containers with this One Weird Trick – Red Hat Enterprise Linux Blog
- at master · prakhar1989awesome-courses
- Learn C • Build Your Own Lisp
- The Feynman Lectures on Physics
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python! — The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python
- Tyblog | SSH Kung Fu
- vimwikivimwiki · GitHub