Full Pint 05-2022
- 10 Networking Technologies That You Probably Aren’t Using - I remember wrestling with token ring on AIX. If memory serves I had to make the token ring emulate Ethernet so it could talk on the dated network we had.
- MemLink - Easily create a link of info
- Mojeek - True search engine, looks promising as well.
- DuckDuckGo Browser Allows Microsoft to Track Users Thanks to Confidential Agreement | RestorePrivacy - Sharing this link again from my blog post. I have removed the DuckDuckGo browser from my iPhone.
- Kagi Search - Private search and an Orion browser too. I pay for private email, I would pay for privacy with search as well.
- 09/01/21 – dailywebthing daily pointers - Thank you for the webmention!
- Lotus 1-2-3 For Linux
- 512KB Club | A showcase of lightweight websites. - Irongeek qualifies, I think it always will, as I am unsure whether the scanner is grabbing every post. I guess if it is, someday we might not. But each of our pages are well below 512kb.
- Mac Open Web - Collection of Mac software
- GitHub - penk/MainboardTerminal - A Retro-style Computer with a Modern Core
- Framework Laptop
- NetNewsWire: Free and Open Source RSS Reader for Mac and iOS - Amazing feed reader. Exciting to see such good software for consuming feeds.
- Daring Fireball: Nicholas Weaver: 'Cryptocurrency Should "Die in a Fire"'
- What is a feed? (a.k.a. RSS) | About Feeds - If you care about the open and/or indie web, you should link to this website.
- Increasing the surface area of blogging - Love feeds and always will.
- Retrotechtacular: The IBM System/360 Remembered | Hackaday - I began my career on a mainframe.
- Code the Classics - Volume 1 – Raspberry Pi Press
- John Allbritten / cbonsai · GitLab - cbonsai is a bonsai tree generator, written in C using ncurses.
- Repo Lookout - A bot that looks for exposed source code on the internet.
- Please, stop disabling zoom - Agreed, I hate when apps that have photos do not allow zoom as well.
- Neocities: Create your own free website!
- UTM | Virtual machines for Mac
- I've Used All The Notebooks - Tyler Cipriani - I have always been a big fan of notebooks, I have two on my desk right now and one is always open.
- The Technium: 103 Bits of Advice I Wish I Had Known - Always worth sharing advice.
- sgi.neocities.org - I am a unix geek and always wanted and SGI workstation.
- Marginalia Search - A search engine that rewards websites that are not bloated. A cool Indie Web project.
- BLOG.TXT - I have written many times about my love of text. I do not hate html though, but I do hate bloat. I used to publish a dot plan on one of my old websites, which was of course all text.
- .plan
Cheers! 🍺